If need be, he'll even manufacture it and help advertise it.
This came after over a year of negotiating with the airline including competitions among local residents to help advertise the city.
Careers services also liaise with companies, to prevent clashes and help advertise the events.
He says that the newer movie will help advertise the older film with viewers too young to remember it.
Others think that it may help advertise the town.
He may not be ready to be any of them, but if he wants to leave college, he helped advertise himself last night.
I think she told me it might have been a Chamber of Commerce thing, something to help advertise the beach.
In addition, they told all their friends that they liked the show,s which help advertise them.
Internal musical groups could be formed to encourage company loyalty, keep employees happy, and to help advertise the company to the public.
It has become a sought-after talent among venue owners and marketers to help advertise a liquor product or the opening of a bar establishment.