The helicopter struck the street on a side angle.
Shortly before landing control was lost and the helicopter struck the runway heavily on its side.
The accident occurred when the helicopter struck a high-voltage wire, not having reached the necessary height to avoid hitting them.
The helicopter strikes against the insurgents on Sunday were the most restrained means available, the officers said.
Reports came back th the helicopters had struck hard at the Tosevite landcruis Ussmak hoped the reports were right.
Through much of the day, as marines prepared to attack, American jets and helicopters repeatedly struck targets in the city.
The helicopter in which he and his camera crew were travelling struck the ground during a steep low level turn, and broke apart, rolling to a stop.
The helicopter had struck almost flat, thanks to Leo's last-ditch efforts, but fast.
He said when the helicopter struck the water the cabin became dark and full of water, but no one panicked.
Two hours after the shootings, an Israeli helicopter struck in Gaza, firing rockets into a metalworks factory, residents and security officials reported.