The sector was partly held by six depleted British divisions which were "resting" after their exertions earlier in the year.
By your connivance you contributed to his weakness and must be held partly to blame.
Math rules with a just hand, and through his leadership Arawn, Death-Lord is at least partly held in check.
Feyd-Rautha jerked and sagged back, still held partly on his side by the needle imbedded in the floor.
The 2011 Asian Winter Games were partly held in the capital.
If the file is small, the cylinder index may be partly or entirely held in main storage, as explained earlier in this chapter (see p. 228).
He was unjustly partly held responsible for the death of his younger brother, and it made him determined to care for his family.
Thanks to the preservation movement, which Huxtable heroically championed, those pressures have been partly held in check.
And there things have stood, a situation held in place partly by the presence of 29,000 Turkish troops in northern Cyprus.
The Dalsland kanotmaraton + canoeing competition is partly held on lakes forming part of the canal system.