Mr. Boulez, similarly, never lets our ear settle on one impression of a held note or chord.
She apparently required special effort to avoid swelling out to forte on any given note (though good soft tones were available when the effort was made), and to release a held note cleanly.
It was like a held note in a bad but powerful opera.
Stressed held notes have a way of ballooning beyond the bounds of natural expression.
The held note is typically the tonic note of the song (e.g. if the song is in G Major, the hanger is usually a G).
A held note is often indicated by a hand held flat with palm up.
Another effect of compression is that it expands the length of a held note, or its sustain.
But the fact is that "Night and Day" has an unusually wide range and climaxes with a set of urgent held notes placed at the very highest part of that range.
Riffed footwork extends through a held note in the Vivaldi and flutters along with the violins.
The piece begins in D major with a single held note in the 1st clarinets and gentle wind chimes underneath.