Better if he did not know where Joffrey's heir might be found.
Where heirs cannot be found, the committee recommended using the money to benefit Holocaust survivors.
Proceeds from estates go to the state if no heirs are found.
When the Emperor is assassinated a short time later, no heir can be found and this creates a huge unwanted problem for Venables.
This problem was circumvented when the competitors agreed that the realm would be handed over to Edward until a rightful heir had been found.
If he failed, so would she fail, unless an heir be found to restore the power.
As he was childless, his estate would pass to the next in line, the Duke of Hamilton, unless an heir could be found.
If an owner has died, an heir must be found, and once a house is built there may be no one to occupy it.
If no heirs could be found, then the property would revert to the original grantor's heirs.
The estate is sold on the condition that if the male heir is found, the estate will return to the Bertrams.