But his heir, the present duke, no longer holds pole position.
The heir, Felix Hapsburg-Lothringen, crossed the border and held a news conference a week ago to demonstrate defiance of the law.
Have someone draft up the statement, but don't make it too specific, only that his heirs will hold the land.
He and his heirs held the manor from the 12th century.
He died sometime after 1611 and his heirs held their estates till the aftermath of the Irish Confederate Wars (1641-1653).
The Order helps Shojo's heir, Hinjo, hold the city walls.
His heirs kept the chairs together and held on to them.
The heirs of the King and nasi held a close relationship until the tenth century .
His heirs held the property in joint ownership, under the management of his son Gerhard Gade (1839-1909).
The heirs hold that land.