In children, ongoing stress can cause a change in normal growth, leading to too much or too little weight or height gain.
This effect can be reduced by raising either or both antennas further from the ground: the reduction in loss achieved is known as height gain.
The official guidelines are based on flat distance and ignores height gain.
From the south, the climb starts at Valloire and is 4.8 km long at an average gradient of 3.4% (height gain: 165 m).
After years of treatment (at an admittedly suboptimal dose and frequency), the height gain over what was predicted naturally to occur was 3.7 centimeters.
Growth retardation - height gain may slow and can stop completely with severe weight loss or chronic malnutrition.
But there was a slight difference in height gain between the two groups.
The actual climb to the summit starts at Valloire and is 18.1 km long at an average of 6.9% (height gain: 1245 m).
The pre-take-off reading for this flight is not recorded but the overall height gain suggests about 28", which would be consistent with the windy conditions.
From Susa the mountain pass is 18,6 kilometres long at an average of 9,1% (height gain: 1694 m), the maximum gradient being 12%.