At 1518, Portugal assumed a hegemonic position in world politics.
The New York Times has the hegemonic position in advertising on the weekend, and this is a way for The Journal to go after those dollars.
Firstly, weak opposition or balancing inefficiencies rather than geographical constraints are taken as explanations for the uniqueness of the United States' regional hegemonic position.
To do this they explore a text's historical context and its political implications, and then through close textual analysis note the dominant hegemonic position.
Clearly, Franco would stop at nothing to retain his hegemonic position.
Eugenics never achieved the overall hegemonic position that its advocates hoped for.
Everyone participating in the photograph and the protest identify him or herself with the hegemonic position and receive the dominant message delivered through this campaign.
Iran makes no secret of its desire to achieve a hegemonic position and its military nuclear programme is meant to help it reach this goal.
Before the war, Zhuge altered Shu-Han's human resource management in order to solidify his hegemonic position.
Recognition of the injustices done to the Mizrahim will force the Israeli left to reform itself as well and to relinquish its hegemonic position.