Minutes before the restaurant closes, however, Chett and his girlfriend come in for dinner and leave Dean a hefty tip out of pity.
Even a hefty $10 or $15 tip seemed a paltry thing to put in the hand of the owner of the salon.
If the owners had questions about why a group of slave traders wanted a conference room, a hefty tip had answered them.
I was lifted by his music and left a hefty tip.
Once the doorman was gone with a hefty tip, Darcy called all the women back into the parlor.
That in turn has led many investors to question whether executives deserve such a hefty tip for their companies' performance.
On the Fourth of July weekend, which promises the heftiest tips, anticipation is all.
I pay adults doing similar work at least twice as much and add a hefty tip, since they have families and basic living expenses.
Before signing the tab, he added a hefty tip and enough for an extra beer.
But because of his interest in seeing big-time magic from the inside, he said, he was sacrificing hefty seasonal tips.