But operating engineers say it is more than their hefty salaries that sets them apart on the job.
It was in fact a second, and very hefty, monthly salary that was given to Weizman while he held a highly influential public position.
Strong safety Victor Green, the oldest defensive back at 31, and one with a hefty salary, wonders whether he might be released.
Free food is an important symbolic benefit, even for employees who can demand hefty salaries.
He returned as an associate editor with a hefty six-figure salary.
At the same time, by dangling stock options, they can lure talented managers from the old economy without paying hefty salaries.
"Every new legislator is going to get a hefty salary, and I'm not so sure I want to pay it."
Sure, you draw a hefty salary and have minions to do your bidding.
If they decline to do so, they must return the outright grants - but not the hefty salaries.
Many who maintain contracts with more than one orchestra earn hefty salaries abroad while collecting six or seven figures at their American posts.