For city dwellers, outdoor growing space comes at a hefty premium, but not everyone wants to spend years on the allotment waiting list.
Investors are paid a hefty premium for buying the debt of countries with questionable economic and political track records over the past hundred years.
"The numbers show they paid a hefty premium, and they are not going to be able to recover it over the next two years."
Note though, that such offices charge a hefty premium.
By conventional American standards, those are hefty premiums for a telephone company.
The hefty premium marks one of the most expensive bank deals in history.
But that still works out to a hefty premium.
In other words, what used to look like a free insurance policy turns out to carry a hefty premium.
Boehringer also offered a much heftier premium, 42 percent over the closing price the day before it made its offer.
After all, how much more can a company be worth after figuring in a hefty premium on top of an already high market price?