"Breezer" was rewarded for his strong play with a hefty $4 million a year contract.
There can no argument that Anderson, the rookie with the hefty $14.25 million contract, has been looking at a lighter work schedule.
But Brown knew that their hefty contracts made some of those players' untradable.
Thomas spent months trying to trade Anderson, but teams were unwilling to take on his hefty contract.
Barlow, 27, has a hefty contract and is used to being a starter.
Ms. Brown has given hefty contracts to numerous writers, paying $60,000 to $100,000 for four or more articles.
They have locked in on a player, nabbed him with a hefty contract and then crossed that need off their list.
They no longer felt he warranted the hefty contract that his talent once demanded.
But any trade involving multiple teams and hefty contracts is difficult to complete in 48 hours.
Brown's hefty contract, with a base salary of $2.5 million this year, did not help his cause.