This rigging is most popular on heavy two-masted vessels.
Niaz chose not to launch attacks on light warships as he was under orders only to attack heavy vessels.
Dead ahead of her were the ion trails of a large group of small, medium and heavy vessels.
Not one heavy vessel of the Solar Fleet took part in it.
There was no real danger, but the heavy vessel did not rise easily to the waves.
The first of the heavy vessels crashed into her stern, and she shuddered with the shock.
It was a hot day, and as part of the service he carried a heavy vessel in which the Sacrament was held.
Camosun was a heavy vessel with a lot of momentum, and had to be slowed down well before landings.
The heavy vessels fired wildly, trying to hit the tiny ship racing toward them.
The water pitcher was not a heavy earthenware vessel but a delicate bit of china, painted with pansies.