In the first round, Nunes started strong with heavy strikes, but quickly faded.
Fifteen minutes later, Hokan was jerked from a semi-snooze by a heavy strike on the rod nearest him.
"In fact, the protest is basically extremely popular, and, if things go wrong, there would be a chance of heavy strikes."
Before the morning ended, I had one more heavy strike, but that time around the fish wasn't hooked.
The supporting pillars are usually firmly fixed onto the wall or at the ground, so as to stand heavy strikes.
American B-52's and fighter-bombers pummeled targets today in their heaviest strikes yet.
While military commanders would probably avoid bombing densely populated areas, analysts said that in a heavy strike there is no guarantee against civilian casualties.
Being Irish was a heavy strike against you in that time.
But Jake's left hand had dropped away from his hold and now he lifted it at the last instant, blocking the heavy strike.
Light to heavy strikes (generally a ridge hand) to the lats.