Neither were visible and the heavy spray made them undetectable by radar.
Most of the hazard is created by trucks, which frequently go beyond the speed limit and throw a heavy spray onto passenger cars.
Some error is inevitable in air fighting, and by using a heavy spray rather than a jet, one is more likely to splash the enemy.
Wind drove in a heavy spray of cold rain that hit Martin squarely in the face.
Bradley tried the latter first and as he opened it, felt a heavy spray against his face.
Sheets of heavy spray slashed at the Beings as they came to feed.
The water level was rising and with each minute that passed the heavy spray was making it more difficult to breathe.
The highlands across the way remained shrouded in mist: a mix of green jungle, red cliffs, and a fog of heavy spray.
The race was started under safety car conditions, though many drivers were complaining about the heavy spray, lack of visibility and low grip.
After finishing tinder a heavy spray of cold water, he stepped out, toweled, and shaved the stubble from the night before, taking his time.