The typical response is to avoid force and win the quick release of the captives, even if it means paying a heavy ransom.
Razagyi had to pay a heavy ransom for the crown prince, and he left Syriam alone.
He was freed in 1418 after a heavy ransom had been paid by the Medicis.
Anyone who lands on the island must pay a heavy ransom or be boiled in oil for three days.
The French king was captured and forced to pay a heavy ransom.
Carthage returns their prisoners of war without ransom, while paying heavy ransom on their own.
The French are paying a heavy ransom to the Iranian regime.
Mesud Bey was kidnapped by the Genoese in 1298 and could be delivered against a heavy ransom.
He kept the little finger of her left hand for himself, and after Barbary pirates captured him, paid a heavy ransom to get it back.
Philip shut them up in close confinement at Compiègne, where they remained until redeemed by a heavy ransom of five thousand marks.