Past the heavy mahogany doors, the room seems instantly grand and relaxing, and the young hostess who greets you is attentive and unaffected.
She took refuge behind the heavy mahogany of her father's desk, where she sank to the soft brown leather chair.
After their last printing all the plates were mounted in extremely heavy mahogany and leather frames, grouped together by subject.
Taleniekov waited for the heavy mahogany door above to open and close.
He was seated at the end of a long table of heavy mahogany, which was all but bowing under the weight of so much food.
Chairs and tables, carved of heavy mahogany, bespoke luxury.
But a sea canoe was made of the formidably heavy and hard mahogany, and it could take months to make.
As heavy and rich as burnished mahogany.
The chairs and tables were of heavy mahogany.
The furniture was of heavy mahogany.