They are particularly concerned that provider cuts would force heavy layoffs in the midst of the recession.
But last week's terrorist attack and heavy layoffs in the airline industry this week have reversed those prospects.
He was referring to the stock dive that prompted many predictions of heavy layoffs on Wall Street and a downturn in the city's economy.
As you note, job gains have been concentrated among managers and administrators, a category that experienced heavy layoffs in this "white-collar recession."
Previously, the union had countered that foreign investors would not be attracted to a country gripped by widespread joblessness because of heavy layoffs.
And after heavy layoffs on Wall Street late last year, his firm was getting one new employment case a day in the first quarter of this year.
By the early 1980s, LTV was struggling, and Vought suffered heavy layoffs.
But about a third of these buyers have since withdrawn as the city's economy weakened in the wake of heavy layoffs by the insurance industry.
The auto manufacturers were accused of speeding up work during these period of heavy layoffs, which resulted in a number of wildcat strikes.
But as heavy layoffs buffet managerial ranks, some will have to settle for less, says James Challenger, who heads an outplacement firm in Chicago.