But economists said that the heavy indebtedness of the Daewoo Group, the big conglomerate that is to be broken up, could impede growth next year.
That's because the United States' budget and trade deficits and its heavy foreign indebtedness are significant fundamental weaknesses.
The decision today comes as Pakistan is undergoing deep economic and diplomatic stresses and heavy foreign indebtedness.
I thought it was the conservative position to not leave heavy indebtedness to our grandchildren.
But, aware of Nigeria's reputation for bureaucracy, corruption, political instability and heavy indebtedness, investors have been slow to respond.
America has a heavy bonded indebtedness.
After civilian rule returned in 1985, Government mismanagement, corruption and heavy indebtedness undermined efforts to improve health conditions.
Two major credit-rating agencies recently said they were reviewing Pittsburgh and might lower its rating because of its heavy indebtedness.
The Republicans, with their heavy indebtedness to the energy industry, would like nothing better than to keep it that way.
In the longer term, some specialists worry, heavy indebtedness could tempt the Government to take an expedient course and inflate away the problem.