The sticking point has been the chemical industry, a heavy contributor to political campaigns, which does not want to pay the cost of reasonable safety measures.
It is considered by many to be one of Europe's heaviest contributors to the scene.
"The thing they don't realize is that with Jerry gone, all the major, big, heavy contributors who kept the company going for years are gone."
Abortion rights groups say their constituents are heavy contributors to the party.
He was a heavy contributor to a medical school in Knoxville, Tennessee.
I blame much of the pressure on lack of administrative control over heavy contributors.
Some heavy contributors got none of the city's business, but the firms that won were among the largest givers.
Turns out he was a heavy contributor, but I never met him before.
The heaviest contributors of girl-created content to the site is by girls ages 10 and up.
He was a heavy financial contributor to Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign in 1964.