Appearing ideally suited by the heavy conditions, the horse won by 30 lengths, despite stumbling at the last fence.
The boat continued to deteriorate, and he finally decided that it would not be able to handle the heavy conditions of the Southern Ocean.
Here too, heavy local conditions including wind, surge and swell mean extreme caution and experience are necessary ingredients for a safe visit.
Simon Allen and Rob Michael were the next two, appreciating the heavier conditions.
It was claimed this made ground handling under heavy conditions easier.
Newcastle looked better in the second half, slogging their way forward in the heavy conditions looking for agoal.
Within two months he was in prime condition, heavy and strong, and before the end of the season he was a sought-after trophy.
But many slopes face south or south-east, causing icy or heavy conditions at times.
The heavy conditions contributed greatly to the horses that fell during the race; eight had already fallen by the third fence.
In heavier conditions these effects disappear as the rode becomes straightened and the weight ineffective.