The foundation breed of the fighting dog was, in its outward appearance, a large, low, heavy breed with a powerful build and strongly developed head.
Ragamuffins are a muscular, heavy breed of cat needing approximately four to five years to fully mature.
They were a heavy breed similar to a Great Dane, perhaps of use in running down Elephantidae.
The breed tends to mature quickly, but is also less resistant to disease than some other heavy breeds.
In heavy breeds of chickens, warm weather tends to bring about broodiness.
It is one of the strongest of the heavy breeds.
Long-legged heavy breed, stands upright with yellow to gray shanks.
They are a heavy breed but are not actually that large and only weigh around 6-7 lbs.
The Chianina is both the tallest and the heaviest breed of cattle.
The Australorp, categorized as a heavy breed, is a tip-top egg layer.