Marina shook both of her arms vigorously, grateful that Sebastian had not inflicted the heavy breastplate and helmet on her.
The Austrians had dispensed with heavy breastplates in 1860 and formally abolished the cuirassiers as a branch of their cavalry in 1868.
Jarman Buckwell stood behind, dripping from patched mail and shiny wet leather, beside Thoren Smallwood in the late Ser Jaremy's heavy breastplate and sable-trimmed cloak.
As Conan began donning the heavy breastplate over his jerkin, Dru continued to protest.
Their visored helmets; their heavy breastplates, were thick enough to stop pistol bullets.
He wore a jockstrap with a plastic cup, and over his torso was a heavy, crude breastplate that he had endlessly and deafeningly hammered out of half a fifty-five gallon oil drum.
Thankfully, Gerard removed the heavy breastplate and rubbed his bruised ribs.
The wind was up strong this day, blowing sand all about the dwarf, but it was warm enough so that Torgar had loosened his heavy breastplate.
Anne unfastened the buckles and untied the ties with expert swiftness, helped Stephen ease the heavy breastplate from his chest and back.
Over that, he put on a heavy breastplate with armored epaulets.