This time, the audit report was heavily qualified, or rather, to be precise, the auditors were unable to express an opinion.
Therefore generalisations made in the course of the book usually must be qualified heavily by such convenient disclaimers as 'sometimes', or 'under certain circumstances'.
However, claims that the government has reduced the 'tax burden' need to be heavily qualified.
This "socialist objective" was introduced in 1921, but has always been heavily qualified by wording which makes it clear that Labor supports private property.
The last audited accounts, for the year to March 1983, were heavily qualified by the auditors in November 1984.
It has to be said that my curiosity is heavily qualified by trepidation.
That pretty much explodes ministers' insistence that their weak, and heavily qualified, injunction to use "land with the least environmental or amenity value" will suffice.
The emotion felt, although heavily qualified, can be equally or even more intense, as for all second-order experiencing.
But all this excitement must be heavily qualified.
But it deserves to be heavily qualified.