The wooden or ivory handle was often heavily ornamented with silver or gold.
He played this particular instrument, which was heavily ornamented in the casework and glowed beautifully under lights, for some of the shows he did with Liberace.
The western (front) facade is heavily ornamented.
It gleamed like richly bur- nished gold and was heavily ornamented with pic- tures of strange beasts and symbols.
An altercation developed at the next crossroad where the Buick had bumped a panel truck heavily ornamented with dragons and naked women.
One of the earliest Modern styles, Art Deco architecture emphasizes verticality and is heavily ornamented with stylized, geometric motifs.
Interior public spaces are heavily ornamented with Art Deco materials and motifs.
The doorway is heavily ornamented with classical molded surround, pilasters, sidelights, entablature and leaded transom.
The Sligo fiddle style is fast and flamboyant, and heavily ornamented with rolls and triplets.
A raised basement necessitated the construction of wooden stairways to permit access to the building's front porches, both of which were heavily ornamented.