Juniper forests of northern Balochistan, have been heavily harvested for timber and fuelwood.
Diamondback terrapins were heavily harvested for food in colonial America, and probably before that by native Americans.
Many of these species, most notably the large Azorella compacta (Yareta) has been heavily harvested for fuel and medicinal use.
Following the collapse of the Illex industry in 2008/9, the rock cod has become, by weight, the most heavily harvested species in the area.
This includes agricultural land, pastureland, urban areas, and heavily harvested forest systems.
The species has been heavily harvested throughout the 20th century and in 1978 at least 2,000 animals were killed.
This pine is a source of construction timber, and is heavily harvested for firewood.
He was particularly interested in that species since it was the dominant tree in the forests of Pike County and had been heavily harvested during the previous century.
Hunting is a major threat to the continued survival of this species; it is the most heavily harvested ungulate in its range.
This is not so far-fetched; characins are popular in South America and are heavily harvested.