A heavenly voice from above warns the brahmanas that the food is unpure and they should run away immediately.
A beautiful little gal with a truly heavenly voice.
There were also six inquisitors and three heavenly voices in the cast.
Every heavenly voice they had ever heard spoke of an ascent together, side by side into the stars.
If, at that moment, a choir had erupted into heavenly voice, the assistant would have fallen to his knees, the catalogues spilling around him.
Its one effective idea is withholding the orchestral accompaniment until the appearance of heavenly voices half way through.
A heavenly voice stops her on time, stating that after the marriage of Shiva, he will revive her husband.
A heavenly voice indicated Donatus as most worthy of the honour.
It was an experience, he said, not of blinding lights and heavenly voices.
It is not only at this moment that [the heavenly voice] says this.