Dolly believes heavenly spirits brought the child to Silas.
Xucau was the supreme god of the Ossetians, who ruled over all the heavenly spirits.
The heavenly spirit promised me a sign; He sends the helmet, it hath come from him.
Nor do we return alone; heavenly spirits are always nearby.
He makes up his mind that he would rather rule the earth as a man than be the most lowly of heavenly spirits.
Anyway, the general opinion is that this assassin is some sort of heavenly spirit.
Your heavenly spirits will see and understand.
In the world imagined by the dance, heavenly spirits come to earth to live among mortals and are horrified and transformed by the experience.
Seated on her throne, the Goddess Amravati is surrounded by gods and other heavenly spirits.
The heavenly spirits are called selamiut, "sky-dwellers," those who live in the sky.