Kelsier had to be invested with heavenly power, for the Church couldn't continue to revere a mere man.
Gonzalo, the first to speak, calls on "some heavenly power" to get them off this eerie island.
The crisis was met by separating the heavenly power and earthly kingdoms.
And the pretenders to divinity know you are the only god in the pantheon with a true claim to heavenly power.
In this work, protection is asked for all 70-odd body parts by invoking the heavenly powers.
One feels often the guidance of a heavenly power, on these pilgrimages.
Even the heavenly powers seemed no match for him.
The heavenly powers who had given both, were not willing that either should conquer.
Twelve of the heavenly powers are represented, Jupiter, with august gravity, sitting in the midst.
Your subject had, in the past, depended on your heavenly power to give my minor contributions.