Who knows, we may be thankful yet to have a voice at that heavenly court of hers before this game's played out.
Elsewhere was depicted the heavenly court, with angels, priests and martyrs.
The overall decoration was intended to reinforce the analogy between Christ's heavenly court and its Byzantine counterpart on earth.
As they hurry toward the heavenly court, they encounter demons mocking humanity's spiritual pretensions.
He decides to appeal his death sentence to a heavenly court.
I shall be a concubine at the heavenly court of King Zetesphut, who will dwell among the stars forever,' she said firmly.
It was a marriage made in the heavenly courts of mutual convenience.
The Israelites began to see the Temple as the replica of Yahweh's heavenly court.
Guilt beyond a "shadow of doubt" requires insight into the heart and soul of the defendant, which we believe only the heavenly court can provide.
He is climbing out of the tomb and into the heavenly courts.