The lines heaved back and forth and disintegrated into a thousand clumps of individual combat.
The waters receded, as the ocean floor buckled and heaved forth to form new lands.
Then heaving forth a deep and audible sigh, "Brother!"
The ship rocked again, heaving back and forth.
The one that had slipped into the river rose and paced back and forth heaving his club into the air now and again in a business-like way.
Heaving back and forth, The Shadow was turning the great chain into a mammoth pendulum.
Blade heaved back and forth on his oar, fighting to maintain his awareness of what was going on around him.
The truck was heaving back and forth on its axles.
Jack saw that the mountains still burned, saw too, that the ruptured land heaved forth fires of its own.
At the same time her whole considerable body was heaving back and forth with such a violent motion that saliva, tears, and slime were scattered about the crowd.