The heated oil may also vaporize and then condense forming improved oil.
Newer steam engines use heated oil to force drops of water to explode and create high pressure in a controlled chamber.
On the first day, strips of flesh were torn from his body, and heated oil was poured into his wounds.
On the second day, his feet were smeared by heated oil, and then held above glowing coal, thereby roasting him.
The ho fun is added and stir fried very quickly, along with soy sauce and heated oil.
Fondue Bourguignonne uses a pot of heated oil to cook.
Deep fried foods are cooked in heated oils.
The heated oil is then used to boil water into steam, which turns a turbine that drives an electrical generator.
This technique uses a thin layer of heated oil to coat the pan.
I was particularly interested in the combination of reactions with the addition of heated organic oils.