The writing nib is heated by an electrical current passing directly through it.
Water, on the contrary, is not diathermanous, and it is heated by sunshine directly.
Cooking of the grape juice is carried out in open vessels directly heated by fire for 12 - 24 hours reducing the volume of about 50%.
Most all residential and commercial griddles are heated directly or indirectly by open flame or electrical elements.
The ironing was performed using irons that were heated directly over a charcoal fire.
After being crushed, this product is dehydrated in a rotary oven heated either directly or indirectly by burning hydrogen.
In a microwave, the food is heated directly and the air does not have to be heated.
The cauldron is directly heated by an oil burner of the household type.
Since the cooking surface is not directly heated, spilled food does not burn on the surface.
Also known as rectification, the raw materials are directly heated in a still without a carrier solvent such as water.