Some scientists even concluded that life may have begun on Earth in heat vents far under the ocean's surface.
So far as anyone knows, the homeless man slept over heat vents for the last 15 years and has no known family.
"The one with all the mice crawling up the heat vents?"
Then the rear portion of the Bolo was facing him, a vertical wall heavily encrusted by dried mud, plate armor, antenna housings, heat vents, and power field projection sponsons.
Keep them away from heat vents to prevent parched leaves and soil.
It's mostly just common sense stuff: Don't use your laptop in the sun, keep it away from radiators and heat vents, and never let it sit in a hot car.
Some fires can be partially controlled by venting these gases to the outside through manufactured heat vents in the structure's roof, or by the fire department cutting holes in the roof.
The faint movement of air from the heat vents.
Targeting rings traversing the heat vents, swinging back.
To feel warmer and alleviate dryness, increase home humidity using an energy-efficient humidifier or by evaporating water in containers on woodstoves, radiators or heat vents.