The temperature is now about to rise, as the solar heat pulse reaches the interior.
Before he died, he touched Prysm on the cheek, sending out a heat pulse with his life essence into her.
The heat pulse will sterilize the land to a depth of fifty meters.
"They buried the cache-deep enough so the heat pulse couldn't reach it."
In addition, by controlling the duration and the temperature of the heat pulse, the depth of the tip into the resist can be controlled.
Conversely, a lower-intensity heat pulse of longer duration will crystallize an amorphous region.
For write operations, an electric current supplies the heat pulse.
They looked as if they had been taken from about two miles up, and on each of them, tiny heat pulses flared.
Adjacent needles sense when the heat pulse arrives.
That is, a heat pulse is sent from the probe across the soil (r) to the sensor.