Then the heat and the light diminished, and B'Elanna opened her eyes and felt her face with a terrible urgency.
'In the hope that the heat will overpower and diminish your ardor,' I think you said.
Slowly, the tables became less crowded, the heat diminished, and the haze became less dense.
As expected, the heat diminished after reaching a steam-bath peak that Cirocco estimated at seventy-five degrees.
The heat of the day was diminishing and the cold night cast its shadow.
And do not let the 90-degree heat diminish your concentration, or your energy.
Then the searing heat in his mouth diminished, and he thought that death must just have been a bit slower than usual.
The heat and smoke had diminished here as the fire had moved away.
As heat diminishes their flavour, coriander leaves are often used raw or added to the dish immediately before serving.
The sun, hovering over the tree line, was still bright, but its heat had diminished and shadows were gradually stretching across the lawn.