The heat of a monstrous conflagration boiled away the fog.
The heat boiled the tar out of the deck's seams and the air below was unbelievably fetid.
The extreme heat had boiled the excess water right out of him.
Would the heat of the surface reach through the suit and boil his flesh?
The heat boils water in the fire-tube boiler to create pressurized steam.
The heat boiled a tiny amount of the ink in the needle, making it expand into a gas.
The heat of the barrel boiled the water in the jacket surrounding it.
Since this water is not replenished, the heat of the fuel rods boils it away and the steam pressure causes the storage facilities to explode.
The heat boils the metal and runs turbines; the gas is exhausted into space.
The heat of his need boiled around her, sucking away the air and burning her lungs.