As a former Ivy League admissions officer, I heartily support such discrimination.
British Rail comes in for a fair bit of stick from travellers who would heartily support the loud speaker announcement heard by Philip White.
Mr. Greenspan is among those warning that the bailout, which he heartily supported, could create what economists call a "moral hazard."
That was a notion Blade heartily supported.
In an Oprah-like move, he got political in 2008 and endorsed the much-debated serial comma-a position that I heartily support.
Now the Street heartily supports the trend toward consolidation.
That's one reason the Chemical Manufacturers Association heartily supports the treaty.
I heartily support cogeneration, which is an environmental and energy policy instrument for increasing energy efficiency and improving the security of energy supplies.
I can therefore heartily support the Council's joint approach to all the amendments the Committee on the Environment has made.
Nick Nabavian, on the other hand, heartily supports the proposal to add water slides, interactive aquatic playscapes and an indoor pool.