Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the entire Kirwin family who mourn the devastating loss of a wonderful and loving husband, father and son.
She spends all day listening to the heartfelt thoughts of strangers, writes them down and then makes cruel fun of them when she gets home.
A character in the Felliniesque circus scene clarifies what may be Mr. Levin's most heartfelt thought: "Don't ask for a reason.
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you, Richard, Jr., and Susan, on your great loss.
Our heartfelt thoughts are with the Berko Families.
My heartfelt thoughts are with Hattie Massengil and the boys.
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you, Richard Jr. and Susan on your great loss and the ordeal which you have endured.
Our heartfelt thoughts are with his family.
Our heartfelt thoughts and condolences are with the family during this time of sorrow.
Our heartfelt thoughts go out to his wife Jeanne and his family.