I kept it up with a kind of heartfelt sadness in my voice until the loud-speaker announced in stirring tones the arrival of the Space Eater.
"It expresses so well the heartfelt sadness of soldiers forced to die meaningless deaths."
With heartfelt sadness we mourn the sudden passing of Joel Mitofsky.
With heartfelt sadness we will ever miss Lenny's unique and generous spirit, courageous leadership and exceptional wisdom.
We wish to express our heartfelt sadness at the passing of our lifelong friend.
Words cannot express the heartfelt sadness resulting from Sam's untimely passing.
Yet a search for other insights during the media's four-day orgy of Kennedyana yielded few clues into the person who caused such widespread, heartfelt sadness.
With heartfelt sadness, we mourn the passing of Charlie Benenson.
With heartfelt and great sadness we say farewell to our "dear boss" of many years.
The management and staff of Brown Harris Stevens wish to express our heartfelt sadness at the passing of our associate.