She kissed her daughter's face gently, little heartfelt kisses.
Tired but cheerful he held court from his chair and accepted Mackie's heartfelt kiss with appreciative good humour.
She cupped both her hands around his chin and pulled his head down for a long, heartfelt kiss.
Carrying her into the bedroom, he made love to her with exquisite tenderness, telling her with each heartfelt kiss, each stroke of his hands, each word that whispered past his lips, how much he adored her.
Left by themselves, Rebecca and Darren then share a long heartfelt kiss before being interrupted by Mr. Crepsley.
In "From France," a young couple embrace in an out-of-place heartfelt kiss, made all the more intriguing when one notices the missing leg, which activates a multi-tiered narrative that is heavy with mystery.
With that, they share a heartfelt kiss to renew their relationship.
During the adventure, Rictor shared a heartfelt kiss with Wolfsbane and was later heart-broken when she chose (a bit against her will) to stay behind.
Then she leaned forward and gave him a soft and heartfelt kiss.
In December 1992 the respective Presidents of both countries shared a long and heartfelt kiss.