Where possible, we have spoken to the families involved and given them a heartfelt apology.
After all, she could expect a shower of heartfelt apologies, maybe even a massage, once the blows had ended.
The two made amends after a heartfelt apology from Watson.
But it almost feels like a heartfelt apology, a game that catches up for lost time.
The point soon came when there was no time left to try and illicit heartfelt apologies from him.
He is a young man, and he has offered me a heartfelt personal apology, which I have accepted.
A few murmured heartfelt apologies while they moved quickly back to the fashion area.
I have somehow to make the biggest and most important, heartfelt apology of my life.
He has recently learned to drive, and extends his heartfelt apologies to the Earth's atmosphere.
Nevertheless, believe me when I say you have my most heartfelt apologies.