"The heartbreaking thing is that, for all practical purposes, they are."
Amazing, terrible and heartbreaking things can happen when scientists fall in love.
There's a fair amount of songs that didn't make the record, and that's always a heartbreaking thing, choosing between your favorite children.
And the heartbreaking thing is she really meant it.
I knew that Estevan had walked a long, hard road beyond innocence, but still he sometimes did the most simple, innocent, heartbreaking things.
"One of the really heartbreaking things with this is that you'll find people whose cancer comes back after a month," she said.
"It is a heartbreaking thing to see," he said.
It seemed to her a heartbreaking thing that she could not remember the last words he had said to her.
It was the single most heartbreaking thing I have ever done.
He raised a frail hand for Alex to shake, the effort of keeping it in the air a heartbreaking thing to watch.