The 4-year-old title character of Jacques Doillon's heartbreaking film, "Ponette," has survived a car crash that killed her mother and left the little girl with a broken arm.
His scenes in the film, heartbreaking and grotesque, will be very difficult for some viewers to watch.
The 16-year-old title character of this great heartbreaking film by the Swedish director of "Together" is a throwaway teenager abandoned by her mother in a grim, unidentified town somewhere in the former Soviet Union.
Caryn James, television critic for The New York Times, called it an "entrancing, heartbreaking film" that is both "a tragic morality tale and a poignant character study."
He played the role of the busy father in Raimondo Del Balzo's heartbreaking film L'Ultima Neve Di Primavera in 1973.
That line expresses the soul of "Lolita," both the novel and Adrian Lyne's entrancing, heartbreaking film.
It is one of the most intense, heartbreaking films ever made.
That acclaimed, heartbreaking 77-minute film by Eric Eason about the misfortune of a Latino family in Upper Manhattan is available only from Film Movement at its Web site,
Dariush Mehrjui's heartbreaking film is set in Iran, but the parents' selfishness and pride put her in the same elite league with some of Hollywood's most formidable Gorgons.
It is a heartbreaking film, and cruelty sometimes seems to be not only its subject but its method.