Last year's team lost in heartbreaking fashion in the Round of 64.
In heartbreaking fashion, they also waved and smiled at her.
The Nets, who were riding a five-game winning streak at the time, lost that one in heartbreaking fashion and had not won since.
We were always trying something new - with visions of greatness - only to fail in heartbreaking fashion.
Cincinnati lost that game 10-9 in heartbreaking fashion.
Without revealing the crucial plot turn, Karen, the quiet outsider of the group, finds her own "inner idiot" in heartbreaking fashion.
Sam Houston could not upset the Tigers, losing in heartbreaking fashion 8-5.
The record below bears witness to this point in a heartbreaking fashion.
Each time Duval had a chance to win, he was denied in heartbreaking fashion.
The Majors then lost their next two games in heartbreaking fashion, by a combined total of four points.