Within minutes, cracks appeared on the exterior theater walls facing Johnson street, where, within, the heart of the blaze raged.
The heart of the battle raged nearby, at the gate toBoneCastle.
"The heart of the beast rages inside you."
His heart was raging; he wanted to kill this soldier who had killed Old Charlie.
He saw again Old Charlie's face, suddenly blasted out of human shape . . . and again his heart raged with the thought.
While his heart raged for grief, as if tears were a debt which he owed to his mortality and could not pay, he stretched out his arms.
Her heart raged in denial though.
I knew that our power and strength would enable us to survive even the raging heart of a star, for our heart rages far more.
He felt the blood drain from his face, though his heart raged.
This wide statistical disparity is at the heart of the gun-control argument now raging in the House of Representatives.