She was gasping for breath as her heart galloped.
It pleased her to hear the calm of her own voice while her heart was galloping.
The pain in his back was worse each day, and his heart skipped and galloped out of control.
Her heart was galloping so fast that she felt quite giddy with happiness.
His heart was galloping along at twice its normal rate, reminding him that he was long overdue for a checkup.
His heart galloped under her hand, and the wound on his side was like a flame against her palm.
Then the doorbell rang and his heart galloped with a great shudder.
Keaf watched her body move and his heart galloped with a different sort of terror.
Yuki's heart galloped as Twilly walked slowly out of her apartment.
My heart would gallop and I would suddenly find myself acutely aware of his every gesture, no matter how common.