His presence startled me, setting my heart aflutter.
Why was it that honest praise from other men failed to move her, but Samuel's blatant tribute set her heart aflutter and turned her mind to mush?
The orange that set her heart aflutter was Otto the Orange, the mascot at Syracuse.
As if having 'N Sync at Giants Stadium this week wasn't enough to set every New Jersey girl's heart aflutter, radio station Q-102 has some pop-music plans of its own.
National food surveys clearly indicate that chocolate sets many a heart aflutter.
Much of the time, occasional, fleeting palpitations are just a side effect of medication: Antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, and thyroid meds all can set your heart aflutter.
Though he was old enough to be her father, there was a magnetism about him that set a woman's heart aflutter.
But in his view, the "high high-end" market for a unique house that can set a multimillionaire's heart aflutter in an instant does not wane with interest rate fluctuations or the size of a year-end bonus.
He could also sing and play guitar, and those talents, combined with his rugged, virile good looks, set many a female heart aflutter.
This panorama never fails to send the heart aflutter, especially at night.