After hearing of his friend's death, Bilal would forever be changed.
All major party heads take the day off after hearing of his death as a sign of respect for the former president.
It was like the hollow, numb, empty feeling that comes on first hearing of a friend's death.
His empire immediately revolted upon hearing of the king's death.
On hearing of his son's death he said, "Everything is collapsing around me."
On hearing of her death, he composed himself and said, "It was God's will."
He stared blankly at Devin as if hearing of his own death.
The only real emotion felt on hearing of his death was relief.
The camera captured a moment when a teammate, upon hearing of the sister's death, put an arm around Jansen.
But after hearing of Lombardi's death, he resolved to do something to bring the work to a larger audience.