The action followed a hearing held this month by the university's assistant vice president of student affairs, John Smeaton.
The states also allege that public hearing in the effected areas for not held.
No committees have been appointed, no hearings held, no resolutions passed, no ordinances adopted.
Their lawyers and supporters were grim-faced, although they said the hearing had held no surprises.
In addition, hearings held to determine the rank and file's preference found that most were undecided and preferred that the union withhold its endorsement.
In light of the potential that any Congressional hearing holds, NBC was prepared to go live but never saw the need to do it.
Under this system, any alternative to existing legislation is proposed to the Government only after comments from the general public have been received and public hearings held.
The test had been taken after the defeat to Haskins and a hearing held to hear the matter took place on 8 January 2009.
She pointed to a series of Council hearings held before the bill was passed, in which most testimony addressed health concerns.
With the hearing announced just days before Christmas and held during CUNY's winter break, only a handful of students were in the audience.